Freedom Day in South Africa 2022: quotes, history, numbers, facts

Publish date: 2024-05-08

What happened on Freedom Day 27 April 1994? South Africa made a vital milestone on this day. Oppression, racial segregation, sexism, racism, and forms of modern-day slavery came to an end in Mzansi on this day. Read detailed facts about Freedom Day South Africa below.

President Cyril Ramaphosa's Freedom Day South Africa theme for the people is The year of Charlotte Maxeke: The meaning of freedom under COVID-19. How many years of freedom do we have in South Africa? It has been 27 years of freedom and democracy since South Africa Attained independence in 1994.

Freedom Day South Africa history

Freedom Day was first held on 27th April 1995 to commemorate the first democratic, non-racial, post-apartheid election. The elections took place on the same date in 1994 after over 300 years of colonialism, apartheid, and white minority rule.

The arrival and establishment of the Dutch settlement in the Cape on 6th April 1652 was the beginning of colonialism in South Africa. They came under the Dutch East India Company and took over the nation between 1652 to 1815. The British and Boer republics took over from the Dutch from 1815 to 1910. They formed the Union of South Africa and continued to rule from 1910 to 1948.

Apartheid, the Afrikaans word for 'separateness', was established in 1948 but collapsed in 1994. The white minority rule exerted extreme oppression and brutality on South African natives. Colonialists snatched their land, denied them various rights, and subjected them to racial segregation and extrajudicial killings.

In 1984, the situation began to slightly look up when Blacks and Indians were granted limited right to vote in forthcoming elections. F. W. Dear Klerk became the president in 1989 and began the dismantling of the apartheid regime.

On 2nd February 1990, De Klerk lifted the ban on the African National Congress (ANC), South African Communist Party (SACP), Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) and other African political parties. It was the beginning of freedom for the natives.

On 11th February 1990, De Klerk ordered Nelson Mandela's release after 27 years in prison. Negotiations with the current minority government began afterwards, leading to the non-racial constitution's establishment in 1993.

South Africa's first post-apartheid election on 27th April 1994 saw Nelson Mandela becoming the nation's first democratically elected president; the day is celebrated as Freedom Day. On 10th May 1994, Mandela was inaugurated and legally took office.

What is the importance of Freedom Day in South African schools?

Freedom Day 2021 reminds students that they can change the world at a young age through peaceful means. More than 20,000 Sowetan teenagers protested in Soweto streets against the introduction of Afrikaans as a teaching language in local schools. Police injured, shot, and killed many students. In the end, South Africa still broke free from colonialism.

Facts about Freedom Day in South Africa

How do we celebrate Freedom Day?

People love visiting the beach, hotels, parks, Robben Island Prison, Soweto, The Hector Pieterson Memorial, District Six Museum, and the Apartheid Museum on this day. It is not yet safe to go out, especially to crowded areas, because of the COVID 19 pandemic. Therefore, here are a few ideas for indoor Freedom Day South Africa celebrations:

Freedom Day South Africa quotes

When Mzansi celebrated the first Freedom Day in 1995, President Mandela gave a heartwarming speech requesting the people never to forget their roots and honour those who relentlessly fought for them. He encouraged them to embrace each other regardless of their diversities.

Freedom Day speeches from proceeding Mzansi presidents have always emphasized what Madiba told the people. Here are five happy Freedom Day South Africa quotes from Nelson Madiba Mandela:

1. Mandela dedicated Freedom Day to all South African freedom fighters

Mandela did not take all the credit for Mzansi's independence. He acknowledged fellow ANC members who used peaceful tactics like demonstrations and strikes to protest against apartheid. He also appreciated all South Africans who participated in the strikes and demonstrations.

2. Madiba honoured the dead John Langalibalele Dube

The late Nelson Mandela visited John Langalibalele Dube's gravesite (the first ANC's President-General) after casting his vote in South Africa's first democratic elections on 27th April 1994. He said that South Africa was free.

3. Madiba valued hard work

He discouraged South Africans from being lazy after attaining independence because they had to develop their country. He wanted to see a nation where people whole-heartedly promote education, share resources, negotiate strategic political relations, reform corrupt and non-performing systems, empower women, and so on.

4. Mandela's take about leadership

Madiba believed that a leader must forfeit some professional or personal privileges for the sake of the followers. The leader should invest in developing others, providing them with adequate resources, and fighting for their rights.

5. Mandela gave a wise definition of freedom

Nelson defined freedom as tolerating and respecting each other's different views about life. Accepting one another with humility, gentleness, and patience allows peace and unity to prevail among people.

Freedom Day South Africa is a reminder that social vices such as corruption and inequality cancel out freedom fighters' efforts to wipe out racism, promote equal rights for all citizens. If leaders do not eradicate corruption and selfish leadership, South Africans are still in bondage.

READ ALSO: Male and female South African leaders that fought for democracy and their exact contribution

How many people who fought for democracy in South Africa do you know? We honoured Mzansi heroes by educating the public about them. These heroes deserve more than fame. Protect your freedom by obeying the laws of the country, paying your taxes, loving one another and protecting your country’s resources.
