Matt Rife first viral video: Lazy hero

Publish date: 2024-05-08

Video content Matt Rife first viral video

Matt Rife’s comedy career exploded on TikTok last year when his hilarious viral “Lazy Hero” video amassed millions of views, but the comedian’s path to fame hasn’t always been so smooth.

In the 2022 clip, Rife is chatting with a female audience member who insists her ex-boyfriend “didn’t do anything” despite working in the emergency room. Rife playfully roasts the woman on his stage as he humorously retorts that her ex was likely “busy saving lives.” Throughout the bit, Rife volleys with the woman as he acts out the scripted scenario on stage. When the woman declared she worked for American Airlines, Rife jumped into a funny back-and-forth to ask about his missing luggage. Notably, the spontaneity of their banter is what made the video so popular, and it’s currently trending across many social platforms like TikTok.

However, Rife hadn’t planned on viral fame when he reluctantly joined TikTok in 2022 at friends’ urging. Feeling dejected after an unpaid performance at Montreal’s Just for Laughs festival, Rife randomly posted the “Lazy Hero” video of a comedy skit he’d done. The clip immediately took off, racking up over 39 million views seemingly overnight.

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While Rife struggled for years doing stand-up comedy gigs and commercial work, his TikTok breakout proved a launching point to TV opportunities, brand sponsorships, and bigger comedy tours. However, he remains humble about the fickle nature of showbiz, knowing viral success doesn’t guarantee career longevity. Overall, Rife’s circuitous path shows how a chance TikTok hit can change aspiring comedians’ lives, though he acknowledges the road of an entertainer is often unpredictable.

Matt Rife went from an unknown struggling comedian to viral star almost overnight thanks to his “Lazy Hero” TikTok video.

Matt Rife went from an unknown struggling comedian to viral star almost overnight thanks to his “Lazy Hero” TikTok video.

How did the video become viral?

The video “Lazy Hero” by Matt Rife became a viral sensation overnight, quickly garnering over 39 million views on TikTok. For Rife, the explosion of this clip completely transformed the trajectory of his career after years of struggling to establish his name in the comedy scene.

Before the video was posted, Rife had a long and challenging journey in his comedy career. He performed at small comedy clubs with a sparse audience, struggling to make a living through his performances. He even performed for free at major festivals like Just for Laughs in Montreal. However, everything changed with the random upload of this clip to TikTok.

The massive number of views on the video brought Rife widespread attention from the public and opportunities he couldn’t have imagined before. The doors to success that he had been pursuing for over a decade opened up, leading to television contracts, major performances, and advertising deals. That random TikTok video completely altered the course of Rife’s career.

As a result, he found fame and unexpected success after years of tirelessly pursuing his passion for comedy. This sudden victory proves that a viral video can entirely change an artist’s fortunes.

How did Matt Rife’s life change after the “Lazy Hero” video?

Matt Rife’s career underwent significant changes following the success of the “Lazy Hero” video on TikTok. Before the video went viral, Rife struggled to find performing opportunities and stable income from his comedy career. He often had to take unpaid gigs or perform in front of small audiences.

However, after the “Lazy Hero” video, Rife’s career skyrocketed. He received invitations to appear on popular television shows and signed contracts with top talent management companies. His solo performances consistently sold out with thousands of audience members. He also became a spokesperson for numerous big brands and advertising campaigns.

With millions of social media followers, Rife now primarily earns income from online content and television projects. His income has seen a significant boost, allowing him to focus on his passion for comedy without worrying about expenses.

In summary, that random TikTok video opened up a new world of opportunities for Rife after more than a decade of struggling to succeed in his comedy career. Now, he can enjoy a prosperous life while pursuing his passion.

The clip immediately went viral, earning more than 39 million views.

The clip immediately went viral, earning more than 39 million views.

How did the audience comment on your “Lazy Hero” video?

Matt Rife’s “Lazy Hero” video received very positive feedback from the audience:
Many people praised Rife’s charm and humor in the video. His ability to improvise quickly on stage delighted the audience.
The audience was impressed with the way Rife naturally interacted with the woman on stage. They think that is the factor that makes the video successful.
Many comments praised Rife’s tone, body language and expressions. The way he presents the characters in the video is very lively and humorous.
Some viewers commented that they laughed the whole time while watching the video. They said the video made them happy and forget about stress after tiring working hours.
Many people expressed their love for Rife after watching the video and looked forward to more of his humorous content.

Overall, “Lazy Hero” received positive feedback thanks to Matt Rife’s charm and comedy talent. The video makes viewers laugh and relieve stress effectively.

Learn about the life and career of Matt Rife

The journey to fame and fortune for comedian Matt Rife has been long and filled with rejection before the breakthrough viral video “Lazy Hero” turned him into a star. Rife’s comedy career began early when his enthusiastic grandfather took 15-year-old Rife to comedy clubs, nurturing his talent for making adults laugh with mature content. However, after over a decade of struggling as a solo comedian in LA, facing continuous rejections and failed auditions, Rife was exhausted and disheartened, on the verge of giving up his dream of success in the comedy industry.

After years of perseverance and honing his skills in improvisational comedy and audience interaction, Rife experienced a setback during a performance at the Just for Laughs festival in Montreal alongside his friend Paul Elia. Despite not receiving compensation or accommodation, Rife reluctantly attended but felt disheartened. Encouraged by his friends, he posted a TikTok video about a joke on his plane to mock a woman’s criticism of her ex-boyfriend. The video “Lazy Hero” quickly went viral, attracting over 39 million views.

Challenges and future obstacles for Matt Rife after the viral video

After the unexpected success of the “Lazy Hero” video, Matt Rife will still have to face some challenges and obstacles in the future:

The pressure to create more viral videos. Rife must prove that he is not just a “one-hit wonder” but can consistently produce quality content.

Public criticism as he becomes famous. As a newly emerging celebrity, Rife’s every word and action will be scrutinized.

The pressure to maintain public attention by regularly appearing on social media and in the media. This could affect his personal life.

Competition with other rising comedians. Rife needs to continuously innovate to maintain his position.

Financial pressure as he invests more in new projects. Initial success does not guarantee stable revenue.

Avoid being pigeonholed into the image of an online comedian. Rife needs to have a plan to diversify his career.

However, with his talent and self-determination, Rife has a real chance to overcome these challenges and continue to reach new heights in his comedy career. The viral video is just the first stepping stone for him.

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