Orlando Pirates: Ndabayithethwa Ndlondlos R20K Lobola Rejected by Baby Mamas Family

Publish date: 2024-05-06

Orlando Pirates' Ndabayithethwa Ndlondlo was allegedly snubbed by his future inlaws when he sent a delegation to return with the mother of his kids, Kgaugelo Gulame.

Ndabayithethwa Ndlondlo starts lobola negotiation with R20k

The Buccaneers' midfield player sent a trusted group to start dowry payments with a lousy R20 000, which was rejected by Gulame's family, who were expecting R150 000. According to Zimoja, he was hoping for a maximum of R40K.

A source further said the delegation was humiliated by being chased out of the house, claiming their daughter was being underestimated.

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Ndlondlo and Gulame disappointed

The couple is said to have been together for a long time and just wanted to be together and show their kids the beauty of following tradition.

The Zimoja source says his baby mama was upset with her family:

"Because they were still coming back with more money. This was meant to be a deposit, as a sign of seriousness and commitment to pay lobola for Kgaugelo."

The report says the soccer player was hurt the most as he regarded the Gulames as his new family because his mom died, and he has a strained relationship with his father.

Social media discusses their thoughts on lobola negotiations

Sharing their opinions about the bride price in Mzansi, this is what people said online:

@SeeaaanAfricaaa said:

"Lobola should be cancelled. It's unnecessary. Like what's the point of lobola?"

@Love_hlogi commented:

"I think paying over 50k for lobola is unnecessary."

@Siyavuya shared their thoughts:

"I find lobola unnecessary. We could've spent that money on us. Our new house and stuff."

@Phenyo14818442 agreed:

"Lobola is unnecessary! Imagine paying for someone who once cheated on you and still gonna cheat on you."

@MothaNelly asked:

"Money-making schemes is what it all is. Lobola is unnecessary in the 21st century. At what point do our traditions and culture evolve with time? Or stagnation is attractive?"

@_Neheng_ begged to differ:

"As much as people think it's unnecessary these days, can we stick to our traditions please, lobola needs to be paid."

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In more wedding stories on Briefly News, a couple was applauded for avoiding pressure and debt after they tied the knot at the Department of Home Affairs registrar's office.

The happy couple just wanted to be together but could not afford to host a big celebration, and that's when they legalised their love in the most budget-friendly way.
