Woman Wows Many as She Juggles Ball While Carrying Baby, Adorable Video Warms Hearts

Publish date: 2024-05-03

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A woman has wowed many social media users after a video of her juggling ball while carrying a baby emerged online.

In the video that was shared on Instagram by @saintavenue_ent1, the woman could be seen juggling the ball expertly while someone captured the moment on camera.

The woman carried the baby in her left arm and juggled the ball 30 times before losing control of it.

@mizster_icyhellboy said:

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"Shame on me I can’t even race 5 even if my life was at stake…"

@aris_baba1 wrote:

"Wife material."

@estheruba commented:

"Make that pikin no fall ooo."

@iamladybants said:

"@essyallen no do pass this one."

Lady juggles ball in heels

In similar news, a young lady got people talking on social media after displaying amazing skills in a cute video in which she could be seen juggling ball in heels.

In the video that was shared on Instagram by @saintavenue_ent1, the young lady who wore a knee-length gown thrilled many as she juggled the ball flawlessly.

She performed many juggling styles with the ball and her feet didn't disappoint her in any way. The lady could also be seen bending down and receiving the ball on her laps as the juggling went on.

Reactions as young lady juggles ball more than 40 times

Briefly News previously reported that a chef and actor with the name Wofai Fada amazed many with her football skill on a live Supersport show.

In a short clip posted on her Instagram page, the chef juggled a ball more than 40 times with ease.

What amazed people more was that she did all that while standing at ease and holding another ball by her side.

The way her ankle flexibly rolled, lifting the ball shows that it was not the first time she was doing it. Her composure was like a pro.
