The Last Of Us Riley Death Fate Remains Unknown

Publish date: 2024-05-02

In episode 7 of ‘The Last of Us,’ Riley death fate remains unknown. The episode focused on Ellie and her relationship with Riley, set three weeks before the events of the series premiere. 

The episode shows the tragic end of their relationship, significantly influencing Ellie’s character development throughout the rest of the series.

The episode starts with Ellie attempting to save Joel’s life after he was stabbed at the end of episode 6. 

As she tends to Joel’s wound, she has flashbacks of her time with Riley, leading up to her discovery of her immunity to the infection and her introduction to the Fireflies.

Ellie’s relationship with Riley is a significant part of the episode. They are shown to have a deep connection, and the audience can see how much they care for each other. 

However, tragedy strikes when they both get bitten by an infected host while fighting it off together. 

Realizing that they have only a few hours left to live, Ellie and Riley decide to spend their remaining time together.

The episode ends on a cliffhanger, leaving Riley’s fate unknown. This is similar to the ending of episode 3, where the audience needs to be explicitly shown what happened to Frank and Bill. 

The ambiguity surrounding Riley’s fate makes the story more powerful, leaving the audience to imagine the worst-case scenario: Ellie being left alone again.

The tragic end of her relationship with Riley significantly impacts Ellie, and the audience is left wondering about Riley’s fate. 

Riley’s death profoundly impacts Ellie in terms of her survivor’s guilt and her fear of being alone. 

Ellie’s fear of being alone stems from the fact that everyone she has ever cared for has died or left her, which is only intensified by the deaths of Tess, Henry, and Sam throughout the series. 

Riley’s death is the first time someone she cares about dies since she discovered her immunity, making it even more impactful on her.

Ellie’s survivor’s guilt is also closely linked to her immunity. As she cannot become infected, she feels guilty for surviving while others around her die. 

This explains her drive to save Joel in episode 7 and her willingness to risk her life to help others throughout the series.

Episode 7 of ‘The Last of Us’ is powerful and emotional, exploring Ellie’s character profoundly. 

The episode sets up the series’ final two episodes, leaving the audience eager to see how Ellie’s story will conclude.

New episodes of ‘The Last of Us’ are released every Sunday on HBO, and the series’ fans eagerly anticipate the rest of the season.
